Friday, August 21, 2009

Brogun Turns 2

Haylie and Okley Hatch gave him a cowboy gun and he walks around the house shooting the deer, elk and antelope on the walls.  David thinks the gun is pretty cool too. 
Brogun turned 2 on Aug 15th.  He had so much fun and so did David and I.  He loves horses so I baked the cake and David decorated it - well done DAD!  If you cant tell Brogun is a cowboy freak!  He eats, sleeps, and walks with his "boys" hat.  He started calling it his "boys" hat because when we David watch bull riding or a cowboy show with him he says "lets go boys" and so he refers to his cowboy hat as "boys"  When we hang it on the shelf in his bedroom he comes to me and says "boys" and takes my hand to his room and points to his cowboy hat. 
We bought him a trike bike.  It is a big wheel and a trike all in one, its way cool.  He is a little short to peddle it right now but it wont be long before he is all over the neighborhood on it. 


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